Minggu, 23 April 2017

A Head Full of Dreams Tour

Never ever thought that a concert would be that great.

My closest people know that i just listen to Westlife, One Direction (who has found their separate direction lol), and everything up in the radio. I listen to Coldplay but never been their big fan.

My brother and my boyfriend are their big fan. Bought the Standing Pen A ticket was a lil bit impulsive for me. It was pretty expensive and I even didn't memorize their lyrics well. But, I ended up didn't regret it at all. The concert was worth every effort and every penny. Here's some photos from the concert. I uploaded some videos on my instagram. Feel free to visit and watch 'em.


Sabtu, 22 April 2017

Post pertama setelah nge-delete post jaman dulu

It's been a while.

Sampai lupa rasanya nulis. Sepertinya terakhir aktif nulis waktu tingkat 1. I gave my time for writing up for college which's snatched my whole time. 24/7. Literally.

Accomplished two things on my bucket lists. First, for the first time traveling aboard without my parents. Second, kesampean ngeliat lampu di Garden by The Bay setelah lama banget pengen.

Tersirat ingin mulai nulis lagi setelah ngobrol sama Amel. We kinda have similar hobbies, reading and writing. She told me that she wants to commit in writing. Langsung teringat blog yang udah lama banget dianggurin.

Semoga kedepannya jadi rajin nulis lagi.
